Welcome to Volume 7, Number 2, of the Journal of European and American Intelligence
Studies (JEAIS). This edition brings together a diverse array of scholarship that addresses
the dynamic and multifaceted nature of intelligence and security in our rapidly evolving
world. The articles featured in this issue underscore the complexity of contemporary
security challenges, examining them from historical, operational, and geopolitical
perspectives. Together, they offer a rich tapestry of insights for scholars, practitioners,
and policymakers alike. Read more

As the tumultuous year 2022 comes to a close, the editorial team of the Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies (JEAIS) is pleased to present yet another multi-themed issue of our publication. In this tenth issue of JEAIS, we have included six carefully reviewed studies that present our readers with a varied and comprehensive analysis of topics that are both timely and relevant. We believe that the subject of relevance is crucial here: never in the post-Cold War environment has the field of intelligence been more pertinent to our lives. The authors of our present issue aptly demonstrate that relevance through their work. Read more

(Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies, vol.1:2, December 2018, ISSN: 2585-383X)

The topic of the December 2018 Volume of the Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies (JEAIS) addresses an aspect of traditional intelligence that the Intelligence Studies (IS) literature has neglected so far. Although private intelligence companies offering services to the government have become notorious, corporations across various industries are opting to establish in-house intelligence units designed to protect their assets. Read more

It is clear now, that in a world that has to find solutions to not end -up in a tsunami that leads to the end, new visions, new frontiers are needed. The Cognitive Domain is everything, it is the human being. And the human being is everything. It is everything, every action, every victory, and every defeat happens because of the human being. Capable, brilliant or dumb. The Cognitive Domain is the future, the battlefield, as already publicly announced, where the next wars will take place. Or where they are already taking place and we are not aware of it.. Read more

(Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies, vol.1:1, June 2018, Pp.336, ISSN: 2585-383X)

The June 2018 issue of the Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies (JEAIS) replaced the Journal of Mediterranean and Balkan Intelligence (JMBI). This issue makes an important contribution to the dialogue between International Relations (IR) and Intelligence Studies, by including articles that propose new perspectives on the symbiotic relations between the two. Filling this gap is more than necessary in a context of internationalization of intelligence and diversification of IR actors and resources. Read more

The editorial team of the Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies (JEAIS) is pleased to present yet another multi-themed issue of our publication. In this eleventh issue of  July 2023 JEAIS, we have included five carefully reviewed studies that present our readers with a varied and comprehensive analysis of topics that are both timely and relevant. We believe that the subject of relevance is crucial here: never in the post-Cold War environment has the field of intelligence been more pertinent to our lives. The authors of our present issue aptly demonstrate that relevance through their work.... Read more

Volume 4, Number 1, July 2021 

This special issue on COVID 19 Pandemic for Intelligence focuses on the global crisis, which many have likened to war, continues to rage, with unforeseen outcomes and consequences. But its development so far has aptly demonstrated that the danger of so-called non-traditional threats to security deserve the same level of attention that is usually reserved for hazards emanating from nation-state and sub-state actors. Click on: JEAISJuly2021
& Click on: JEAIS-CCU Page

As the tumultuous year 2023 comes to a close, the editorial team of the Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies (JEAIS) is pleased to present yet another multi-themed issue of our publication. In this eleventh issue of JEAIS, we have included five carefully reviewed studies that present our readers with a varied and comprehensive analysis of topics that are both timely and relevant. We believe that the subject of relevance is crucial here: never in the post-Cold War environment has the field of intelligence been more pertinent to our lives. The authors of our present issue aptly demonstrate that relevance through their work. Read more & Free article to download (M.Tuzuner & H. Cinoglu)

Volume 3, Number 2, December 2020

This special issue aims to address the progressive evolution of Intelligence Studies by looking at the way intelligence is practiced, studied, and theorized from an African perspective. Africa’s intelligence literature remains under-developed, often featuring standalone contributions that only cater to historical accounts of intelligence dynamics in a handful of countries, the human-rights centred narrative as it pertains to intelligence agencies and democratic governance, or, in a limited and minimalistic sense, advocates for the prospects of intelligence cooperation for continental peace and security. Read more

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