The outgoing Papademos administration -- unelected and the product of unconstitutional and unlawful acrobatics -- has met its targets set by Greece's lenders and has saddled the Greek people with more unbearable, man-killing burdens. Greece, singled out for disaster capitalism's latest suicidal test, is already clinically dead, her economy lying in tatters, her domestic market devastated by vicious austerity, her young people beating down the doors to escape to other countries, her future mortgaged in perpetuity.

Greeks are stunned and hardly capable of absorbing the enormity of the sudden disaster. If anything, what transpired over the past two years should have triggered a massive social revolution. The revolution never came and the reasons why the uprising did not occur are still being debated. What is not debated is that Greece has ceased being a sovereign country. She nominally retains territorial control and means of self defense but, in reality, she is prostrate and enslaved by global market forces, the latest equivalent to the Mongol Horde in the eyes of almost every Greek still breathing.

International news media have re-latched on the Greek crisis, marking the May 6 elections as an event of "worldwide importance." This importance emerges not so much from the danger of  a Greek default, since only recently the Papademos government succeeded in negotiating a severe cut of the Greek sovereign debt through "private sector involvement" (PSI), but, rather, because of disaster capitalism’s continuing bludgeoning of Greece in an effort to discover how much punishment a given society can absorb before it goes up in flames and becomes fine space dust.

Such is the extent of Greece's uncontrollable hemorrhaging under the blows of the lenders and the "international markets" that the question of much-needed reform has been superseded by questions of individual and collective survival. We are beyond the meaningless jargon of the IMF vivisectionists and the various EU puppets posing as "leaders." Greeks must realize that now it is not only national sovereignty that is being trampled, it is the very biological life of many thousands that is directly threatened by the impoverishment of the Greek people.

Already, foreign analysts, the venal local media, and "expert" stooges are frowning at the distinct possibility of "anarchy" emerging on May 7 if the elections (most likely) produce the worst fragmentation of the popular vote since the end of World War II. "Anarchy" in the language of the stooges translates into the much deserved electoral collapse of the "socialist" architects of our austerity crucifixion and their "conservative" collaborators, a collapse that could produce the "unthinkable:" a coalition government of anti-austerity "fringe" political parties that could attempt to defenestrate the IMF and its EU contract mechanics of doom.

Indeed, the Greek election of May 6 could become a signpost for the disparate popular forces already stirring in many parts of Europe in still disorganized but steadily swelling counter-movements against "market forces" that have taken it upon themselves to destroy nations and throw untold millions into perpetual misery in pursuit of "better margins."

Unbeknownst to them, Greeks have a golden opportunity to jump start a process that would aim at the very heart of disaster capitalism. And the call to mobilize under this banner has nothing to do with Karl Marx or comrade Lenin. It rather originates in the simple, and primeval, instinct for survival.

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