The near wreck though did not discourage Samaras and other spokesmen from his New Democracy party to continue claiming that a “new road” is opening for Greece -- and that this elusive condition, “growth,” will return, somehow miraculously, in a matter of months, namely in 2014!

While no credible facts and figures can sustain such outlandish claims, the majority of international media have chosen to go along, and begin discerning “encouraging” signs across the Greek politico-economic landscaped that has been scorched to death by the troika invasion.

The reasons behind this “optimism” are rather unfathomable, although various theories will be advanced, I am sure, including those of an “international conspiracy” to support Germany’s mad austerity policies; and the kowtowing of editors and writers to the “friendly advice” from banking colossi and other enormous “funds” with a vested interest in presenting the slaughter of the innocent as “unavoidable” under the circumstances that they, themselves, have spawned via disaster capitalism.

So far, the Greek crisis that signaled a European crisis right out of the gate has had the opposite result upon the increasingly feeble, lying, and double-faced community of European political “leaders,” including those unelected and out-of-control members of European Union organs.  No day goes by without some of them making statements on the importance of “budget consolidation” that fuels the collapse of nations; and no opportunity is missed to repeat that “structural reforms,” which effectively destroy the private sector and remove any economy’s prime locomotive, must be adhered to in expectation of some nebulous, future “dividend” which remains unexplained.

While Samaras and his coalition confederates are fighting a rear guard action in the hope of perpetuating the system that brought Greece to collapse, those in the international media who continue to rehash the insidious nonsense springing from both Athens and Brussels (not to mention Berlin) appear on a contract job to discover “tentative signs of recovery” where there is none. Samaras and company and a plethora of international editors both appear to inhabit a world of grotesque dreams that constitute the worst nightmares for Greek society at large.

It is time that the international media tune changes in the faint hope that people around the world, threatened with experiencing Greece’s fate thanks to “bailout” scoundrels and their politic-economic masters, begin understanding the crux of the matter, namely that allowing others to define the terms of your own life or death means, almost certainly, death.

With no other than the IMF admitting publicly that the Greek crisis was misjudged and mishandled by the “experts,” the Greek post mortem is well underway. Let us then see whether all this “authoritative reporting” discovering “recovery” now will redirect itself toward the truth:

The truth that Greece’s exit from the euro remains a very distinct possibility in the immediate future as the country lies wrecked from the “bailout” and with a sovereign debt that continues to burgeon beyond limit;

The truth that Greek unemployment of an official 27%, and an unofficial of hovering around 40%, and with unemployed youths standing at 60%, is obtaining characteristics of permanence that cannot, and will not, be reversed save an immense miracle of investment, a parallel of which does not exist in history;

The truth that Greek governments from 2010 to today deliberately acted against the best interests of Greece and her people in a display of utter subservience to outsiders who demanded their pound of flesh in exchange for more loans that make Greece’s future unsustainable.

We should not tire in repeating these truths.

We should not tire to demand that the Greek perpetrators of this atrocity are brought to justice.

And we should not tire to repeat that Greece’s death spiral cannot and will not stop until the Greek people take their fate into their own hands -- with whatever means necessary.

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