In Memory of Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor. A Great Traveler, Writer, World War II Resistance Fighter and Philhellene. Antio Filedem:"The World and Greece is an orphan without you."
Nickolaos Mavromates
(RIEAS Research Associate and Historian based in USA)
Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies ( Publication date: 1 January 2018
Reading an article from Haaretz about the Jewish minority of Finland and their role of defending their frozen land against the Communist hordes of the Soviet Union, I took the initiative to put in writing a similar piece but for a different country and with a different enemy in mind, and lastly with a less happy ending. It is a story of a Greek lion equal to Achilles and Spartan king Leonidas but with Hebrew Romaniote roots that could be traced from the annals of Jewish Greek History. Someone might ask how this is possible. Well let me begin the story of this Greek hero that could equally belong to the pantheon of Greek champion's of Hellenism...Read more