Amb. Sherman KUO
(Representative of Taiwan to Greece)
Copyright: Taipei Representative office in Athens, Greece
RIEAS Publication date: 13 March 2020
With the outbreak of coronavirus in Italy and many European countries, Greece is also trying hard to avoid the spread of the virus from neighboring countries. As the front line against the coronavirus, Taiwan is only 81 miles off the coast of China and was expected to have the second highest number of cases of coronavirus due to its intensive interaction with China geographically and economically. For example, Taiwan has 23 million citizens of which more than 3 million Taiwanese nationals live or work in China. In 2019, 2.7 million Chinese visitors traveled to Taiwan and 600 direct flights per week between both sides. However, Taiwan now has 45 confirmed cases while neighboring countries like South Korea, Japan, and China have hundreds or thousands of cases...Read more