Dr. Thomas B. Hunter, DSS
(Former senior intelligence analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in the United States, focusing on terrorist tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP). He has published numerous articles on topics relating to civilian and military special operations, counterterrorism, counterproliferation, and hostage rescue. He has also published an introductory book on international targeted killing operations titled “Targeted Killing: Pre-emption, Self-Defense, and the War on Terrorism.")
Copyright: The Journal of Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security Journal IACSP (Vol. 20, No.2, 2014, pp: 18-21) – RIEAS received permission from IACSP Editor to repost the article in RIEAS web site on 28 June 2014)
Since the first international recognition of the state of Israel in 1949, that nation has been embroiled in a constant state of conflict, not only in overt wars between itself and its Arab neighbors, but also against numerous terrorist organizations seeking its demise as a nation. Regardless of the political landscape by which one views the conflict, the United Nations has recognized Israel’s right to exist as a country, as well as its right to self-defense. In this latter aspect, the nation has been forced to adapt to virtually all forms of armed conflict in the defense of its borders.... Read more