Dr Yuri D. Kvashnin, PhD in History, Head of the European Union Studies Department, IMEMO RAN, RIAC expert

Dr Vladimir A. Olenchenko, PhD in Law, Senior Research Fellow, IMEMO RAN, RIAC expert

Dr. John M Nomikos, Director, Research Institute for European and American Studies (Athens)

George Protopapas, Media Analyst, Research Institute for European and American Studies (Athens)

Copyright: http://russiancouncil.ru  (Publication Date on: 24 May 2014)

The partnership between Russia and Greece is a unique case of international relations, in that Russia and Greece have no serious mutual claims that might impede further development or enhancement of their cooperation. Nor are there any permanent irritant factors hindering initiatives on either side. Even so, despite the historical and cultural proximity of the two countries, for the last few years Russian-Greek relations have stagnated and have lost significance, in part due to the abandonment of the Burgas-Alexandroupoli oil pipeline project and the suspension of military and technical cooperation between the two countries. The 2009 Greek debt crisis also relegated Greek-Russian ties to the background, focusing the government’s efforts on economic recovery...  Read more..... Read more