Dr. Juho Kotakallio
Dr. Juho Kotakallio
(Licentiate of Philosophy from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
His PhD research focuses on British intelligence and Finland 1918–1941)
Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) – www.rieas.gr - based in Athens, Greece – (Date of Publication: 22 February 2014)
Intelligence organizations can be considered a necessary part of the state. They operate in symbiosis with governments and have to adapt to current political situations, budgets and other changing elements. Finnish intelligence services can be traced to the First World War, when the Finnish activists, who were working against Russia, established an intelligence bureau in Stockholm, Sweden. The Russia gendarme administration observed activist and other separatist movements. The period under Russian rule, the independence of Finland in 1917 and especially the Civil War in 1918 had impact on Finnish intelligence....Read more