The Seattle Carnival of Ugly Shadows
Tassos Symeonides
(RIEAS Academic Advisor)
Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies ( Publication date: 27 June 2020
Note: The article reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS)
I arrived in Seattle in the closing days of 2010 to settle permanently and instantly fell in love with the Emerald City. I discovered a brilliant, vibrant, almost “homey” place completely different from other American cities I know. Even the Seattle climate—much derided as gloomy, rainy, and depressing—agreed with me; it reminded me (with adjustments) of the temperate climate of my birthplace Greece during the good climate years of the 60s and 70s that are now gone forever. Yet, as soon as I had my initial fill of the positives, I turned my eye to city politics and government and my heart dropped. ..Read more