climate9Ian Dunlop
(Senior Member of the Advisory Board for Breakthrough. Ian was an international oil, gas and coal industry executive, chairman of the Australian Coal Association and chief executive of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. From 1998-2000 he chaired the Australian Greenhouse Office Experts Group on Emissions Trading. He is a member of the Club of Rome).

David Spratt
(Research Director for Breakthrough and co-author of Climate Code Red: The case for emergency action (Scribe 2008). His recent reports include Recount: It’s time to “Do the math” again. Climate Reality Check and Antarctic Tipping Points for a Multi-metre Sea – level Rise).

Copyright: @ Published by Breakthrough – National Centre for Climate Restoration, Melbourne, Australia, June 2017 –

The first responsibility of a government is to safeguard the people and their future well-being. The ability to do this is threatened by climate change, whose accelerating impacts will also drive political instability and conflict, posing large negative consequences to human society which may never be undone. This report looks at climate change and conflict issues through the lens of sensible risk – management to draw new conclusions about the challenge we now face. Read more

inteloversight9YAURI-MIRANDA, Jaseff Raziel
(University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies (
Publication date: 9 June 2019

Note: The article reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS).

How is the relationship between intelligence and accountability in the last years? In different countries, this dilemma has been treated in a different fashion according to four principles: a) Responsibility, in the internal controls and institutional designs to configure the community of intelligence. b) Regulation, in the oversight and control of intelligence by Parliamentary bodies. c) Justice, as in the judicial authorization and control of intelligence activities that affect fundamental rights of citizens (Bovens et al., 2014); and d) Trust, in the participation of citizens in governmental policies or in the closer connection between authority and legitimacy. This text shows the basic patterns of accountability in those points, as well as the dilemmas and forms to improve the legitimacy of intelligence services in Spain and Brazil....Read more

germanintel9Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld
(Senior Research Associate at the BESA Center and a former chairman of the Steering Committee of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He specializes in Israeli–Western European relations, antisemitism, and anti-Zionism, and is the author of The War of a Million Cuts)

Copyright: - BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,158, April 30, 2019

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The German Agency for Domestic Security recently published a report on Muslim antisemitism in the country – a development that is unprecedented not only for Germany but for all of Europe. The report makes clear that Muslim antisemitism is a major problem in Germany. At long last, Muslim antisemitism in Germany has been officially detailed for the public. Read more

digitalmissions9Kiril Avramov

(Post-doctoral fellow at the Intelligence Studies Program at the University of Texas at Austin. He is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science and former Vice-Rector of the New Bulgarian University in Sofia and a former Senior Fulbright Visiting Researcher at CREEES, UT Austin, Texas, USA)

Repost at RIEAS web site ( on 1 April 2019.

The topic of use and role of private military contractors in modern warfare periodically gains the intensive focus of public attention and scholarly scrutiny. It happens so, due either to highly publicized lobbying efforts of the proponents of private military and security companies’ (PMSC) wider implementation Read more

insideintelChristos Patrikalas
(RIEAS Intern, postgraduate student at Groningen University, The Netherlands)

Copyright: Research Institute for European and American Studies ( Publication date: 18 March 2019

Note: The article reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of the Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS).

Within the field of intelligence studies, there has been much discussion concerning the intrinsic purpose and nature of intelligence (Kahn, 2008) (Davies, 2009). Whether its aim lies somewhere between informing and advising or whether it has other collateral uses can be considered as a matter of definition. Whichever definition one may choose to use, the weaponization of intelligence is an occurring phenomenon. Read more

eutrumpCopyright: Reproduction permitted provided the author

Reposted at RIEAS web site on 3 March 2019

Relations between the EU and the US are taking a steep downward trend.

There is, simultaneously, a worse situation to this one.

Relations between the EU Countries are taking a steeper downward trend....Read more

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