Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS)
Newsletter on Immigration to Greece
Editor: Ioannis Kolovos
Ministry of Interior points out the cost of immigration
Deputy Minister of Interior Mr Haralambos Athanassiou pointed out to the EU Task Force Head Mr Horst Reichenbach the significant cost of the social services the Greek state provides to immigrants both legal and illegal.
The relevant Ministry of Interior press release can be read here (in Greek only)
Illegal immigration correlates positively with serious criminality
Minister for Public Order Mr Nikolaos Dendias emphasized in Parliament that there is a positive link between increased illegal immigration to Greece and the rise in serious crime. Mr Dendias argued that in the case of homicide robberies committed in 2010-2011 51.66% of the perpetrators were foreigners, 14.25% were Greeks and 33.87% of the perpetrators had not been found. For the period 2011-2012 52.86% of the perpetrators were foreigners, 11.48% were Greeks and 36% had not been found.
The full text of the Minister’s speech can be read in full here (in Greek only)
Anti-immigrant feelings soar!
According to a TNS ICAP poll anti-immigrant feelings are spreading among Greeks. 68% of Greeks argue that it would be better not to let in immigrants from less developed countries (up from 59% last year).
A presentation of the poll’s findings can be found here (in Greek only)
Ministry of Interior reports on the 2010 Citizenship Law
The Ministry of Interior has compiled a report on the way the new Citizenship Law, which was voted in 2010, has affected the granting of Citizenship.
The report can be read in full here (in Greek only)
17.6% of births in Greece come from foreign mothers
According to available data for the period from 2004 to 2009, 17.6% of births in Greece came from foreign mothers.
The relevant article (Ethnos, 28/7/2012) can be read here (in Greek only)
Foreigners and criminality
The Hellenic Police publicized the criminality data for the first semester of 2012. According to the analysis foreigners are overrepresented in the arrests for homicides during attempted robbery, for thefts and burglaries and for robberies. Moreover, almost one out of three police officers is occupied with the handling and management of illegal immigrants.
The Hellenic Police’s relevant press release can be read in full here (in Greek only)
Taking Athens back!
The Ministry for Public Order tries to rid Athens city center of illegal immigrants by mounting a massive police operation. 4,500 police officers participated in the operation which resulted in the arrest of 1,130 foreigners for being in the country illegally.
The Minister’s statement about the operation can be read in full here (in Greek only)
A news-report (Ethnos, 6/8/2012) on the police operation can be read here (in Greek only)
The New York Times’ (6/8/2012) view of the operation can be read here (in English)
IOM’s voluntary repatriation program is bearing fruit
In the first six months of 2012 3,276 foreigners were voluntarily repatriated to their countries of origin, with the help of the IOM and the funding of the EU. The vast majority of those repatriated came from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
The relevant article (Kathimerini, 7/8/2012) can be read here (in Greek only)
The Changing Seasons of Migration
Frontex’s feature story on Greece’s immigration issue.
The story can be read in full here (in English)
Foreigners constitute the absolute majority of inmates in Greek prisons
According to recent Ministry of Justice data 65% of all inmates in Greek prisons (i.e. 7,900 out of a total of 12,479 inmates) are foreigners. Moreover, 4,000 of those inmates are illegal immigrants.
The relevant article (Kathimerini, 19/8/2012) can be read here (in Greek only)
“Greece is in absolute danger”
Minister for Public Order Mr Nikolaos Dendias admitted in Parliament that, Greece “is in a state of absolute danger, in a state of a total overthrow of the social structure because of immigration”.
Mr Dendias’ speech in Parliament (23/8/2012) can be read in full here (in Greek only)