Research Institute for European and American Studies
Newsletter on Immigration to Greece

Editor: Ioannis Kolovos

Ministry of Public Order unveiled the Total Border and Immigration Management Centre
The Centre will be part of the Border Protection Directorate and will play a pivotal role in the monitoring and analysis of illegal immigration flows and in the operational co-ordination of all Authorities which are involved in combating illegal immigration.

The relevant Ministry of Public Order press release can be read in full here (in Greek only)

Unemployment much higher for foreign nationals
According to the latest Labor Force Survey (1st quarter of 2014) the unemployment rate of foreign nationals was much higher compared to the Greeks (36.5% compared to 27% respectively).

The relevant press release by the National Statistics Authority can be read here (in Greek only)

Ministry of Public Order assessed the functioning of the new Asylum Service
The Ministry of Public Order presented an assessment of the first year since the launch of the new Asylum Service. According to Ministry data the Asylum Service granted asylum in 20.1% of the cases it examined in the first degree. 17.5% of the applications came from Afghans, 14.2% came from Pakistanis and 8.9% came from Albanians.

The relevant Ministry of Public Order press release can be read in full here (in Greek only)

Hellenic Police to buy drones for better border surveillance
According to a report by “Kathimerini” the Hellenic Police is about to strike a deal for the purchase of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in order to assist in the maintenance of public order in urban areas and in the enhancement of border surveillance. The exact type of UAVs which will be purchased and their number have not been finalized yet.

The relevant article (Kathimerini, 22/6/2014) can be read here (in Greek only)

Ministry of Public Order wants repatriations of illegal immigrants to exceed arrests
The new Minister of Public Order Mr Vassilis Kikilias emphasized that the goal for his Ministry in 2014, as far as the management of migration flows is concerned, is for repatriations to exceed arrests for illegal entry and/or illegal stay at a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio.

The relevant Ministry of Public Order press release can be read in full here (in Greek only)

Foreigners constitute 59.2% of Greece’s prison inmates
The fact that on July 1st, 2014 6 out of 10 inmates in Greek prisons were foreigners is another indication of the link between illegal immigration and serious crime.

A relevant article (Kathimerini, 2/7/2014) can be read here (in Greek only)

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