Special Correspondent

Copyright: www.rieas.gr

The assassination of Officer Nektarios Savvas as he sat in his car in the early morning hours of June 17 has brutally pushed human-killing terrorism back to the top of Greece's domestic agenda.

Officer Savvas was savagely riddled, Mafia style, from pointblank range, revealing  murderers possessed by rage and an uncontrollable urge to send an unmistakable, blood-spattered message to other police and the vast majority of Greek society.

Special Correspondent

Copyright: www.rieas.gr

Recent events in Iran have highlighted the fact that even the toughest, most entrenched dictatorship is unavoidably subject to the law of Physics that determines the effect of materials fatigue. All vehicles have a strictly determined performance envelope. Once certain figures that define basic materials cohesion have been exceeded, the process of disintegration begins. The speed of this disintegration is determined by many factors, almost all beyond the control of the driver.

Special Correspondent

Copyright: www.rieas.gr

Among the many unenviable records Greece holds one prominent one is the Greek media’s amicable relationship with publishing and publicizing terrorist proclamations, thus giving the terrorists’ verbal offal maximum cost-free exposure.

The recent resurgence of domestic terrorist activity, and the concomitant resurfacing of terror screed writers, has rekindled this relationship. With the Internet providing instant access to self-publishing, a tool that did not exist in the old “glory days” of the 17 November terrorist gang (17N) and its cousin, the now defunct People’s Revolutionary Struggle (ELA), many of our “neo-terrorist” cells have quickly emerged on anarchist sympathizer Web pages with their torrent of mental invective replete with threats of mayhem and shooting, or other, death. But the allure of the traditional print press has apparently not abandoned this new wave of unreformed, Web-based terror pistoleros who, just like their older murderer predecessors, hold on to the illusion that “the masses” host a ripe revolutionary mood (or, at least, want us to believe they do).

Special Correspondent

And when counsel is Phobos
There is no ground hallowed
For men to die with courage

Unknown trench poet, Western Front, First World War

Copyright: www.rieas.gr

The Greek Ministry of Defense announced recently the cutting of national military service, mandatory for all male citizens over 18, to nine months down from twelve. The decision affects those serving in the Army. Press reports said the Ministry is also contemplating recommendations to remove national service conscripts from the Navy and the Air Force entirely, leaving these two Services manned exclusively by regular officers, NCOs, and long-term payroll volunteers.

Earlier this month, Greek authorities announced the busting of a "syndicate of crime" run by a notorious felon from behind prison bars. Extensive wiretapping, with the help of the National Intelligence Service, demonstrated an almost unfettered capability of the gang leader to direct criminal enterprise operations with the help of cell phones which he obtained with over-the-counter ease inside prison.

Authorities said the so-called "Vlastos gang," named after its directing imprisoned chief, was responsible for the kidnapping of one of Greece's most prominent (and wealthy) shipowners last January, who was released only after his family paid a reported €30 million in ransom.

The summer of 2009 is rapidly turning into yet another extended period of Turkish provocations in the Aegean through demonstrations of military force. In the middle of a supposed, mutually agreed summer moratorium on military training exercises, Turkey dispatches almost daily armed warplanes to make low, very loud passes over small inhabited Greek islands lying near the Asia Minor coast. Turkey has announced oil exploration inside the boundaries of the Greek continental shelf southeast of the Greek island of Kastelorizo. And Turkish coast guard vessels carve "innocent passage" patterns inside Greek territorial waters with complete immunity and, even, make "honest mistakes" that, in one recent case, brought a Turkish patrol boat at the mouth of the harbor of Kalymnos, the famous Dodecanese island home of sponge divers. The Turkish skipper, with incredulous Greek coast guards watching from a distance, disarmingly apologized over the radio for reading his charts wrongly!

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